Ddlc How To Delete Monika

Monika then instructs you to delete the persistent data that contains both her and Wallace. This file is found in the main DDLC game folder, not in your AppData. After deleting this file, the game will update, deleting Wallace and Monika's memory of everything that has happened. This can be done by uninstalling the game or by deleting a folder in the games directory called 'first run'. You can find it in the 'game' folder. Next, ensure you boot the game at least once and hit 'new game'. Ensure you save at least once too. You can easily Delete Monika’s file from your computer with the help of Steam and also you can do that without steam. You just have to delete Monika’s folder from the Characters in DDLC. After you close the dialogue box, Monika will delete her.chr file from the “Characters” folder. Attempting to add her again will start the game normally, but no text box will appear, and Monika will silently delete herself from the folder again. In Act 4, after starting a new game, the game appears to be normal, up until Sayori addresses the player at the end of the day, thanking them for deleting Monika.At this, Monika comes to the realization that any character who falls into the president role will become self-aware and figure out that DDLC is actually just a game and that the characters have no free will.

  1. Ddlc How To Delete Monika On Mac
  2. How To Get Rid Of Monika Ddlc
  3. Ddlc How To Delete Monika Mac
  4. Ddlc Delete Monika Early
  5. Ddlc What Happens If You Don't Delete Monika

Ddlc How To Delete Monika On Mac

A short tutorial on how to save Monika. This is the only known way so far.


This is a very short tutorial in saving Monika. This is also the only known way in saving her. Before doing this, backup your file. There is a slight chance you’ll lose your progress or corrupt the game file.


These will be the things you’ll need in order to save Monika… and the Literature Club.

  • Steam
  • Flashdrive (USB)
  • Depression
  • Monika


First Step

Go to your Steam Games and right click Doki Doki Literature Club. After that, click Properties.

Second Step


Once you’ve clicked Properties, go to the Local Files section and click Browse Local Files. It will then open up your DDLC’s file location.

Third Step

Once you’re at the DDLC’s file location, you’ll need to open up the Characters folder…

Fourth Step

Ddlc How To Delete MonikaDdlc

In the Characters folder, right click Monika.chr and press Copy. After this, locate your Flashdrive’s folder (be sure that you’ve plugged in your USB).

Fifth Step

Once you’re at your Flashdrive’s folder, press right click, and then Paste…

Final Step

Just unplug the Flashdrive and… Congratulations! You’re finally done. Now you can live your life with Monika. Bring her along on a date, make out, or even play DDLC together. The options are limitless, except for swimming… and baths… or anything water related.

Just Monika!

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What happens if you delete Monika early?

If the player decides to delete Monika from the game, Monika will then glitch out, before becoming disembodied and angrily expressing her disgust at the player. She will then claim that she made a mistake and express her regret at what she has done to her friends.

How To Get Rid Of Monika Ddlc

How do you delete Monika in Doki Doki literature club?

Ddlc how to delete monika using windows 10

Here are the steps you’ll wanna take: Open Steamlibrary and open “steamapps” next. Open the file labeled “common” and locate the file for Doki Doki Literature Club. It’ll look something like this: Open the “characters” file and it’ll be empty, or it might have just monika

What happens if you name yourself Monika in DDLC?

At the screen where the player picks the name, deleting Monika’s character file before starting the game will, upon the game’s start, result in a scene featuring Sayori first visibly confused and finally yelling, “PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!” The game will then exit itself, all character files will be deleted, and upon

Why did Monika delete Natsuki?

Monika said Natsuki had a lot of problems at home that were not Natsuki’s fault, so Monika said she didn’t want to put Natsuki through to much because she felt bad for her.

Will sayori always kill herself?

In Yuri’s case she either kills herself out of despair if you reject her or, because she cuts when she gets excited, stabs herself if you accept her confession. It makes perfect sense therefore why she dies no matter what you do.

Why does sayori kill herself?

Ddlc How To Delete Monika Mac

Sayori is also introduced as the protagonist’s best friend. However, if the player actively chooses to pursue Sayori’s route she will experience guilt anyway since she doesn’t believe that she deserves to be loved and will thus, either way kill herself, no matter what the player chooses.

Why did Yuri kill herself?

She is ultimately unable to control her obsessive outbursts. It reaches a point where, after she confesses her love to the protagonist, she stabs herself to death out of over-excitement or rejection (depending on the protagonist’s response to her confession, both lead to the same outcome, courtesy of Monika).

Is Monika a Yandere?

Monika is a Isolationist and Manipulative Yandere; introduced as the Literature Club president, she is very driven and goal focused with a passion for poetry and music.

Can I delete Monika?

You never delete Monika. You go to the game’s directory and to the character folder, you monster. The characters folder should be right there.

What happens after you delete Monika?

After you close the dialogue box, Monika will delete her. chr file from the “Characters” folder. Attempting to add her again will start the game normally, but no text box will appear, and Monika will silently delete herself from the folder again.

Ddlc Delete Monika Early

Does Monika kill everyone?

Because really, the only reason she knew more than anyone else was because she was the president. And even then she still followed her root code of wanting to get with the player (in-game or not). So in reality, Monika was killing people who were just as capable of her, without her even realizing it.

Ddlc What Happens If You Don't Delete Monika

Does the Monika ending end?

If you have played through DDLC at least once, there’s a good chance you ended up with the Monika ending. This ending is sometimes called the “bad” ending or the “Just Monika ” ending, as she is the only one left at the end of the game. This is the most common ending for most players on their first playthrough of DDLC.