Hi All,
It was a pleasure working with you today. Any feedback concerning the training is welcome!
Image lab software download, free. Photo & Graphics tools downloads - Image Lab™ Software by Bio-Rad Laboratories and many more programs are available for instant and free download. This tutorial explains how to use the molecular weight, quantity, and annotation tools in Image Lab Software from Bio-Rad Laboratories. Presented by Dr. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
This message includes the link to download ImageLab 5.2 and two papers that I recently published (June 2013 and March 2014) in Molecular Biotechnology (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3840294/) and BioMed Research International (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2014/361590/) on how to produce quantitative western blots. I also recorded two videos that will walk you through each article and the links are below “Western Blot Tutorial”. I hope this demo and associated training gives you a good perspective on our technology and also on the support that you can expect when you are part of our customer base.

Our new software tool, ImageLab 5.2 will allow you to perform sophisticated densitometric analysis of your gels and blots with this very simple and user-friendly software. The software is NOT license protected so does not require a USB security key to run which gives you the freedom to use it on any PC or MAC computer. The software will load images generated with our VersaDoc, ChemiDoc, GelDoc, Pharos as well as our newest imager, the ChemiDoc Touch.
Image Lab v6.0.1 build 34

This version has a new Normalization tool which is very useful for western blot analysis. I also recorded some training videos for you to learn how to quickly use the software, and how to do quantitative gel and blot analysis. The video links are as follows:
Image Analysis: http://youtu.be/0ZWUrehRNKA
Multifluorescent with Stain Free Normalization: https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/nativeplayback.jnlp?sid=voffice&psid=2012-07-26.0900.M.9EF814CC7FF199166934248F198E09.vcr
Chemi with Single Protein Normalization: https://sas.elluminate.com/site/external/jwsdetect/nativeplayback.jnlp?sid=voffice&psid=2012-07-26.1020.M.9EF814CC7FF199166934248F198E09.vcr

You need Java on your computers and your browser will probably give you a security message at the top that you need to click on to download the file to your computer so you can watch the video. Hopefully, it will be a simple process to view the videos and let me know if you have any problems.
Western Blot Tutorial – BMRI: http://youtu.be/iCgmeufGM2g
Western Blot Tutorial – Mol Bio: http://cbt20.wordpress.com/2013/06/13/quantitative-western-blotting/
Droplet Digital PCR: http://cbt20.wordpress.com/category/droplet-digital-pcr-bio-rad-tutorial/

On a different topic, we have recently launched our new chemiluminescent detection reagent – Clarity Western ECL Substrate (see attached)! This product is designed to provide high performance blot detection at an affordable price for every lab. Also some info about our TGX Stain-Free FastCCast Acrylamide kits.
Best Regards,
Image Lab Software User Guide
Sean Taylor
Field Application Specialist
E: sean_taylor@bio-rad.com
Image Lab Software Research Papers
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